Friday, January 8, 2010

There is a light that never goes out

Second day with the Baby. Went hunting for protection shields and stickers for it with Sissie, we had a mini catching up on our life like usual, and a bit of attempt to seek for some ambience.

We ended up at the Starbuck at Ps. "One on one" date with Sissie always result to plenty of walking, plenty of eating(for me, she eats the least with me, among all her friends.) and usually alot of talking.

The hunting and decision making ought to carry on tomorrow.

Coraline to be finished. ^^

I need to admit and understand how unimportant i am towards the people in my life.

Signing off.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Well, that's myself and my new baby! :3 (My MBW actually, i have yet to name it.)
Gratitude to the understanding parents for this.

Need to spent abit more dough to protect it from possible damages.

I think i am turning in now, after my Sunshine movie.

PS Need to read the manual too, nighty!
