The above picture might tell how i feel about this holiday most of the time? I guess?
That was an excuse, i just want to mention something slightly "in the real world" more than i usually was. Thus this chosen site.
It was a Public Holiday and thus i decided to gather some of the people i grew up with, to spend some time together. It was a tough job, but surprisingly it went on.
Kite flying, Marina Barage. Definitely more than a century ago since the last one. Dad made some awesome kites, and i decided to add colours to them.
Venue was Mega Packed, I even met someone i wasn't sure i want to see ever, ever again.
I later met the senior guy whom made this little island whatever it is today, i saw a rainbow, the brightest moon ever(special likings for werewolves).
Around there, it was a coincidental day. I could have wrote better, but i guessed the mood vanished.