Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I really really want a macbook, and if possible, and iphone :D

Monday, October 26, 2009




Sunday, October 25, 2009


My lifestyle is totally screw up already. I sleep at the wrong time, work at the wrong time.

Last night/morning, i had a dream. The dream involves buses, rock stars, me trying, me being left out, and also involved a very sweet guy who was there for me at the end of the day, when i felt that there is no one in the world i could relate to. Is it real? Tired.

Its like a Dave thing again, but its someone else apart from Dave, and why isn't the feeling as strong? So its me? Or, "Dave replacement"?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I miss writing, and i am really really hungry now.

I'm so hungry right now, i feel like eating my hamster? Haha!

No, actually, i'm just really hungry, and my hamster just look really cute. Its like a wrong kind of satisfaction. Hmmm. Satisfaction. Nice song.

My hamster is growing pretty fast, and i think i would like to save up and get her a pretty plastic cage eh?

I just realise the lastest pictures i post up here involve sunglasses, one which i gave it to my boy.

I miss my boy. I wish he is here to play with Marjorine.

Damn i'm really really hungry.

Need to work on ISP. Yup.

Need to be happy. I have plenty in mind i think.